Monday, March 10, 2008

San Francisco

I went for a training in Cranio Sacral Therapy to Berkeley and on my day off, I had the chance to visit SAN FRANCISCO ..... yeah!

Arriving at San Francisco .... no rain and I could see the Golden Gate Bridge from the plane.

Really old style but still great working ....

... and here you can see the typical streets from San Francisco ...

... and the towers from the big city.

Absolute tourist area .... Fisherman's Wharf ...

... with a view towards the famous prison Alcatraz.

I didn't go for a visit ... don't understand why I should visit a prison.

Instead I had fried Calamares and had to protect them against the seagulls!

I visited the Aquarium ( Sydney is better ) and outside I found those sea lions on a pier.

They were taking a sun bath and had little fights going on ... very noisy and interesting.

A gate to nowhere?

Entrance to China town.

Golden Gate Bridge by night.

1 comment:

renovatio said...

Awwww - San Francisco! The few times I've been there in my life, I've always enjoyed it. It's great, you had a chance to visit!